Banool Lodge
Banool Lodge has provided accommodation at Falls Creek for members and guests of Banool Ski Club since 1972.
General Public Bookings
Banool Lodge accepts bookings from the general public subject to the approval of the Booking Officer. Check out our bed tariffs, some of the most affordable on the mountain. Booking requests need to be made on our online bookings page.
Lodge Management
Banool Lodge is run by its associated ski club, Banool Ski Club. There is no permanent management at the Lodge. Instead, the Committee of Banool Ski Club from time to time assigns a member to act as the Duty Officer when the Lodge is occupied. The Duty Officer has in general the role and responsibilities of a professional manager. The Role and Responsibilities of the Duty Manager are outlined in this document. Guests can take their concerns to the Duty Officer and must comply with Duty Officer directives.
Banool Lodge
In 1972 Banool Ski Club bought Banool Lodge and secured a long-term lease on the land on which it stands.
Banool Ski Club members did much of the necessary renovations and extensions in the early years of the Club. Contractors carried out a major renovation and built a new extension when the lease came up for renewal in 2012.
Today's lodge provides comfortable family accommodation in apartments with fully serviced kitchens. There is a recreation room and easy access ski, snowboard and bike storage.
Banool Lodge is ski in, ski out for the greater part of the ski season.

Staying at Banool Lodge
Members and guests can make booking requests on our online booking site. Check out our bed tariffs, some of the most affordable on the mountain.